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File Comment
 ║                       THIS FILE WAS EXTRACTED FROM:                     ║
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 ║             Windows Software CD-ROM Archive From CMS Software!          ║
 ║ * 600+ MEGS Of Excellent Windows Programs   * BBS Ready                 ║
 ║ * Excellent Easy-To-Use File Retrieval      * Sound Effects for Windows ║
 ║ * Hundreds of True Type Fonts               * Video & Printer Drivers   ║
 ║ * Exciting Windows Games                    * Much, Much More!          ║

Images (2)

Document (2)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
MATHTOOL.RTF Rich Text Format 1 3KB 1990-12-30
WINFRACT.RTF Rich Text Format 23 51KB 1992-02-01

Text (59)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
3D.C Text File 398 10KB 1991-02-05
CALCFRAC.C C/C++ Source or Header 3,663 105KB 1992-01-24
CALCMAND.ASM Assembly Source File 813 27KB 1991-11-10
CALMANFP.ASM Assembly Source File 1,124 43KB 1992-01-10
CMDFILES.C Text File 1,957 61KB 1992-01-15
COORD.DLG Text File 27 1KB 1990-12-20
DECODER.C C/C++ Source or Header 457 14KB 1992-01-12
DIALOG.C C/C++ Source or Header 701 20KB 1991-12-05
DIALOG2.C C/C++ Source or Header 1,167 41KB 1992-01-19
ENCODER.C C/C++ Source or Header 784 26KB 1991-11-30
F16.C Text File 89 3KB 1990-10-04
FPU087.ASM Assembly Source File 1,488 37KB 1991-09-03
FPU387.ASM Assembly Source File 485 10KB 1991-03-06
FRACSUBA.ASM Assembly Source File 325 8KB 1991-04-09
FRACSUBR.C Text File 1,095 35KB 1992-01-26
FRACTALP.C C/C++ Source or Header 885 41KB 1992-02-01
FRACTALS.C C/C++ Source or Header 2,894 80KB 1992-01-04
FRACTINT.H C/C++ Source or Header 572 19KB 1992-01-28
FRACTYPE.H Text File 161 4KB 1992-01-16
GIFVIEW.C Text File 251 6KB 1992-01-03
HELPDEFS.H Text File 153 6KB 1992-01-25
JB.C C/C++ Source or Header 248 9KB 1991-07-07
LINE3D.C C/C++ Source or Header 2,589 74KB 1992-01-06
LOADFILE.C Text File 667 20KB 1992-01-14
LORENZ.C C/C++ Source or Header 1,718 46KB 1992-01-12
LSYS.C C/C++ Source or Header 879 22KB 1992-02-01
LSYSA.ASM Assembly Source File 218 4KB 1992-01-29
MAINFRAC.C C/C++ Source or Header 597 16KB 1992-02-01
MAKEWIN.BAT DOS Batch File 2 25b 1991-06-14
MATHTOOL.C C/C++ Source or Header 545 15KB 1991-11-06
MATHTOOL.H Text File 18 578b 1991-10-31
MATHTOOL.RC Text File 26 521b 1990-12-23
MISCRES.C C/C++ Source or Header 840 24KB 1991-11-30
MPMATH_A.ASM Assembly Source File 1,061 17KB 1991-03-06
MPMATH_C.C C/C++ Source or Header 435 11KB 1991-07-07
MPMATH.H C/C++ Source or Header 152 5KB 1991-07-07
NEWTON.ASM Assembly Source File 349 6KB 1990-11-01
PARSER.C C/C++ Source or Header 2,066 54KB 1991-11-21
PLOT3D.C Text File 372 10KB 1991-04-11
PORT.H Text File 76 2KB 1990-08-17
PROFILE.C C/C++ Source or Header 139 3KB 1991-08-06
PROFILE.H C/C++ Source or Header 6 224b 1991-01-03
QCWINFRA.MAK Makefile 165 3KB 1992-02-01
SELECT.C C/C++ Source or Header 166 5KB 1991-08-06
SELECT.H Text File 18 821b 1991-08-06
TARGA_LC.H Text File 24 640b 1989-07-25
TESTPT.C Text File 59 2KB 1991-02-03
TGAVIEW.C C/C++ Source or Header 67 2KB 1991-07-07
WGENERAL.ASM Assembly Source File 509 13KB 1991-06-12
WINDOS.C C/C++ Source or Header 1,271 36KB 1992-02-01
WINFRACT.C C/C++ Source or Header 1,558 57KB 1991-11-24
WINFRACT.DEF Text File 36 800b 1991-12-10
WINFRACT.H C/C++ Source or Header 254 7KB 1991-10-31
WINFRACT.HPJ INI File 9 108b 1990-12-30
WINFRACT.LNK Text File 7 337b 1992-02-01
WINFRACT.MAK Makefile 111 3KB 1992-02-01
WINFRACT.RC Text File 409 31KB 1991-10-28
WINSRC.DOC Text File 61 3KB 1991-11-30
ZOOM.DLG Text File 12 607b 1990-12-23

Other Files (10)
CALCMAND.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 3KB 1991-11-10
CALMANFP.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 5KB 1992-01-10
FPU087.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 4KB 1991-09-13
FPU387.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 2KB 1991-06-09
FRACSUBA.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 1KB 1991-06-14
LSYSA.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 1KB 1992-02-01
MPMATH_A.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 3KB 1991-06-09
NEWTON.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 2KB 1991-06-11
WGENERAL.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 2KB 1991-06-13
WINFRACT.PRJ Borland C/C++ Project 13KB 1991-08-06